Maple Functionality


Maple calculator   Maple calculator

A combined Maple-Java package that adds new interactivity to Maple plots in both web pages and worksheets   A combined Maple-Java package that adds new interactivity to Maple plots in both web pages and worksheets

A 40-lesson tutorial on how to program in Maple and how Maple works internally   A 40-lesson tutorial on how to program in Maple and how Maple works internally
XML support in Maple 7   XML support in Maple 7

The MathClass package introduces Maple tools and techniques for constructing textbook-quality mathematical diagrams.   The MathClass package introduces Maple tools and techniques for constructing textbook-quality mathematical diagrams.
INTERVALs Package   INTERVALs Package
Randomized trigonometry test Randomized trigonometry test
C code generation with intermediate complex expressions   C code generation with intermediate complex expressions
Randomized testing in the classroom Randomized testing in the classroom
Preserving code indentation in Maple's HTML export   Preserving code indentation in Maple's HTML export
Utilities and tutorial for plotting text   Utilities and tutorial for plotting text

An exhibition of Maple graphics ranging from function plots to mathematical art.     An exhibition of Maple graphics ranging from function plots to mathematical art.
Solving ordinary differential equations using Maple   Solving ordinary differential equations using Maple
MathML 2.0 support   MathML 2.0 support
Reading and writing .WAV sound files - the WAV package Reading and writing .WAV sound files - the WAV package
Signal generation functions - the SigGen package Signal generation functions - the SigGen package
Improved logarithmic plotting in 2 and 3 dimensions Improved logarithmic plotting in 2 and 3 dimensions
Contour plot in 3-D space   Contour plot in 3-D space
Data Lists and Spreadsheets   Data Lists and Spreadsheets
Regression and data fitting in Maple   Regression and data fitting in Maple
Reorder expressions with sums, limits or integrals     Reorder expressions with sums, limits or integrals
Routine for converting Maple expressions into FrameMaker MIF 4.0 code     Routine for converting Maple expressions into FrameMaker MIF 4.0 code
Routine for displaying large expressions in Maple     Routine for displaying large expressions in Maple
Translate logarithms inverse Hyperbolic trig functions to arctanh forms     Translate logarithms inverse Hyperbolic trig functions to arctanh forms
Tutorial on Maple graphics & animations I: Introduction Tutorial on Maple graphics & animations I: Introduction
Tutorial on Maple graphics & animations II: Advanced Plotting Tutorial on Maple graphics & animations II: Advanced Plotting
Tutorials on Maple     Tutorials on Maple
Utility to indicate direction of a curve   Utility to indicate direction of a curve
What is Symbolic Computation?   What is Symbolic Computation?
Brake design and costing III: calling the Maple package in Excel2000     Brake design and costing III: calling the Maple package in Excel2000
How to make a movie in Maple     How to make a movie in Maple
Projecting a curve to a 3-D surface   Projecting a curve to a 3-D surface
Welding 2: automating the processs with Excel 2000   Welding 2: automating the processs with Excel 2000
Welding 3: intersection of two pipes - DXF file   Welding 3: intersection of two pipes - DXF file
Matlab link application   Matlab link application


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