// Script for top navigation Drop Downs. - Start //browser functions. var br if(navigator.appName == "Netscape" && navigator.appVersion.charAt(0)=="4"){br="N";} else if(navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer" && document.all != null){br="IE";} else if(navigator.appName == "Netscape" && document.getElementById != null && navigator.appVersion.charAt(0)=="5"){br="N6";} else if(navigator.appName == "Netscape" && document.getElementById != null && navigator.appVersion.charAt(0)=="6"){br="N6";} else{br=null} // define menu attributes here menuColor="#000000" menuColorOn="FF7F00" fontColorOn="#FFFFFF" fontColorOff="FFFFFF" lineColor = "#000000" separator="" // shows the drop down menu expected arg is active div function showDDNav(){ args = showDDNav.arguments; if(br=="N"){ var args, theObj; args = showDDNav.arguments; theObj = eval(args[1]); if (theObj) if(theObj.visibility=='hide'){theObj.visibility = 'show';} } else if(br=="IE"){ theObj=eval(args[0]); if (theObj){ if(theObj.style.visibility=='hidden'){ // activate hideElement to hide boxes //hideElement('SELECT'); theObj.style.visibility = 'visible' } } } else if(br=="N6"){ var args, theObj; args = showDDNav.arguments; theObj = eval(args[2]); if(theObj) if(theObj.style.visibility =='hidden'){theObj.style.visibility = 'visible';} } else{return} } // hides the drop down menu expected arg is active div function hideDDNav(){ args = hideDDNav.arguments; if(br=="N"){ var args, theObj; args = hideDDNav.arguments; theObj = eval(args[1]); if (theObj) if(theObj.visibility=='show'){theObj.visibility = 'hide';} } else if(br=="IE"){ theObj=eval(args[0]); if (theObj) if(theObj.style.visibility=='visible'){showElement('SELECT');theObj.style.visibility = 'hidden'} } else if(br=="N6"){ var args, theObj; args = hideDDNav.arguments; theObj=eval(args[2]); if(theObj) if(theObj.style.visibility=='visible'){theObj.style.visibility = 'hidden';} } else{return} } // hides drop down menu when menu is active expected arg is active menu function hideDiv(){ args = hideDiv.arguments; if(br=="N"){} else if(br=="IE"){ theObj=eval(args[0]); // calculate active size of menu leftDiv=theObj.offsetLeft +2 rightDiv=theObj.offsetLeft + theObj.clientWidth -2 topDiv=theObj.offsetTop +2 bottomDiv=theObj.offsetTop + theObj.clientHeight -2 if(window.event.clientY > bottomDiv || window.event.clientY < topDiv || window.event.clientX < leftDiv || window.event.clientX > rightDiv) { theObj.style.visibility = 'hidden'; // activate showElement to show menu's //showElement('SELECT'); } } else{return} } // highlight menuitem expected arg is active menuitem function divOver(){ args = divOver.arguments; if(br=="N"){} else if(br=="IE"){ theObj=eval(args[0]); theObj.style.backgroundColor=menuColorOn; } else{return} } // highlight off menuitem expected arg is active menuitem function divOut(){ args = divOut.arguments; if(br=="N"){} else if(br=="IE"){ theObj=eval(args[0]); theObj.style.backgroundColor=menuColor; } else{return} } // highlight on menuitem in netscape expected arg is active menuitem function menuOver(){ var args, theMenu; args = menuOver.arguments; theMenu = eval(args[0]); theMenu.bgColor=menuColorOn } // highlight off menuitem in netscape expected arg is active menuitem function menuOut(){ var args, theMenu; args = menuOut.arguments; theMenu = eval(args[0]); theMenu.bgColor=menuColor } // goes to specified url expected arg is url function gotoUrl(){ args = gotoUrl.arguments; location.href = (args[0]); } // hides specified tag function hideElement(HTMLtag) { for (i = 0; i < document.all.tags(HTMLtag).length; i++) { obj = document.all.tags(HTMLtag)[i]; obj.style.visibility = "hidden"; } } // shows specified tag function showElement(HTMLtag) { for (i = 1; i < document.all.tags(HTMLtag).length; i++) { obj = document.all.tags(HTMLtag)[i]; obj.style.visibility = "visible"; } } // build the divs for IE expected args are 'div name','x in menudata aray','menu left coord','top in pixels' var tdID = 0 function doDiv(){ args = doDiv.arguments; var divID = args[0]; var x = args[1]; var divLeft = args[2]; var divTop = args[3]; var divWidth = args[4]; objDiv = "" for (y = 0; y < 17; y++){ if(menuData[x][y][0]!=null){ if(menuData[x][y][0]=="bar"){ objDiv += "" objDiv += "" + separator + "" objDiv += "" } else { objDiv += " "+ menuData[x][y][0] +""+" " } tdID = tdID +1 } } objDiv += "" document.write("" + objDiv + "") } // build the layers for netscape expected args are 'div name','x in menudata aray','menu left coord','top in pixels' function doLayer(){ args = doLayer.arguments; var nestLayerID=0 var layerID = args[0]; var x = args[1]; var layerLeft = args[2]; var layerTop = args[3]; var layerWidth = args[4]; if(navigator.platform.indexOf("Win") < 0){layerInc=16;layerStyle="netMenuMac";} else{layerInc=15;layerStyle="netMenu";} objDiv = "" var nestTop=10 for (y = 0; y < 17; y++){ if(menuData[x][y][0]!=null){ if(menuData[x][y][0]=="bar"){ objDiv += ""+ separator +"" nestLayerID=nestLayerID+1 nestTop=nestTop+5 objDiv += ""+ separator +"" nestLayerID=nestLayerID+1 nestTop=nestTop+1 objDiv += ""+ separator +"" nestLayerID=nestLayerID+1 nestTop=nestTop+5 } else { objDiv += ""+ menuData[x][y][0] objDiv +="" nestLayerID=nestLayerID+1 nestTop=nestTop+layerInc+1 } } } objDiv +="" document.write(""+objDiv+"") } var tdID1 = 0 function doLayer1(){ args = doLayer1.arguments; var divID = args[0]; var x = args[1]; var divLeft = args[2]; var divTop = args[3]; var divWidth = args[4]; objDiv = "" for (y = 0; y < 17; y++){ if(menuData[x][y][0]!=null){ if(menuData[x][y][0]=="bar"){ objDiv += "" objDiv += "" + separator + "" objDiv += "" } else { objDiv += " "+ menuData[x][y][0] +""+" " } tdID1 = tdID1 +1 } } objDiv += "" document.write("" + objDiv + "") } // Netscape Resize Function for Layers function reDo(){window.location.reload()} function setResize(){setTimeout("window.onresize=reDo",500);} if(br=="N"){ window.onload = setResize; } menuData = new Array() for (i=0; i < 10; i++) { menuData[i] = new Array(40) for (j=0; j < 20; j++) { menuData[i][j] = new Array(2)}} menuData[0][0][0]="maplest"; menuData[0][0][1]="http://www.maplest.narod.ru"; menuData[0][1][0]="relieve "; menuData[0][1][1]="http://www.relieve.narod.ru"; menuData[0][2][0]="powertool "; menuData[0][2][1]="http://www.powertool.narod.ru"; menuData[0][3][0]="mapler "; menuData[0][3][1]="http://www.mapler.narod.ru"; menuData[0][4][0]="newmapler "; menuData[0][4][1]="http://www.newmapler.narod.ru"; menuData[1][0][0]="mathler"; menuData[1][0][1]="http://www.mathler.narod.ru"; menuData[1][1][0]="start "; menuData[1][1][1]="http://www.wolfstart.narod.ru"; menuData[1][2][0]="news "; menuData[1][2][1]="http://www.wolfnews.narod.ru"; menuData[1][3][0]="wolfram.com "; menuData[1][3][1]="http://www.wolfram.com"; menuData[1][4][0]="mathworld "; menuData[1][4][1]="http://www.mathworld.wolfram.com"; menuData[1][5][0]="superbook"; menuData[1][5][1]="http://www.mathler.narod.ru/superbook.htm"; menuData[1][6][0]="functions"; menuData[1][6][1]="http://www.functions.wolfram.com"; menuData[1][7][0]="webMathematica"; menuData[1][7][1]="http://www.mathler.narod.ru/webmath.htm"; menuData[1][8][0]="a new kind"; menuData[1][8][1]="http://www.mathler.narod.ru/kind.htm"; menuData[1][9][0]="books"; menuData[1][9][1]="http://www.mathler.narod.ru/books.htm"; menuData[1][10][0]="notebooks"; menuData[1][10][1]="http://www.mathler.narod.ru/notebooks.htm"; menuData[1][11][0]="Stephen Wolfram"; menuData[1][11][1]="http://www.mathler.narod.ru/sw.htm"; menuData[2][0][0]="labler "; menuData[2][0][1]="http://www.labler.narod.ru"; menuData[2][1][0]="mathworks.com"; menuData[2][1][1]="http://www.mathworks.com"; menuData[2][2][0]="news "; menuData[2][2][1]="http://www.mathworks.com/company/events"; menuData[2][3][0]="service "; menuData[2][3][1]="http://www.mathworks.com/support/"; menuData[3][0][0]="start"; menuData[3][0][1]="http://www.mathcadler.narod.ru"; menuData[3][1][0]="MathSoft "; menuData[3][1][1]="http://www.mathsoft.com"; menuData[3][2][0]="education "; menuData[3][2][1]="http://www.mathsoft.com/education/"; menuData[3][3][0]="MathCad "; menuData[3][3][1]="http://www.mathsoft.com/mathcad/"; menuData[3][4][0]="StudyWorks! "; menuData[3][4][1]="http://www.mathsoft.com/studyworks/"; menuData[4][0][0]="MathType"; menuData[4][0][1]="http://www.dessci.com/free.asp?free=mapler"; if(br=="N"){ doLayer('companymenu',0,262,53,125) doLayer('productmenu',1,361,53,120) doLayer('supportmenu',2,459,53,120) doLayer('storemenu',3,557,53,100) } else if(br=="IE"){ doDiv('companymenu',0,262,54,125) doDiv('productmenu',1,360,54,120) doDiv('supportmenu',2,459,54,120) doDiv('storemenu',3,557,54,100) } else if(br=="N6"){ doLayer1('companymenu',0,262,54,125) doLayer1('productmenu',1,361,54,120) doLayer1('supportmenu',2,459,54,120) doLayer1('storemenu',3,557,54,100) } else{} // Script for top navigation Drop Downs. - End function newImage(arg) { if (document.images) { rslt = new Image(); rslt.src = arg; return rslt; } } function changeImages() { if (document.images && (preloadFlag == true)) { for (var i=0; i